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RESSET Tourism Database includes two sub-databases, tourism and tourism accommodation catering. The data are origin from the National Tourism Administration, the National Bureau of statistics, as well as the Mount Putuo scenic spot management committee, the Huangshan City Tourism Commission and other parts of the Tourism Commission.

There are 93 data tables, more than 4500 indicators in the database. These indicators includes International tourists, the national tourism industry claims and complaints and key scenic spots, Fare data of listed companies, residents' travel and consumer price index, golden week , the number of tourists and travel agencies, etc.

Accommodation and catering data covers the management and financial situation of accommodation and catering industry. There are approximately 260 data tables, 5000 statistical indicators including Store building, Number of catering enterprises, Number of employees in the catering industry(above designated size), Catering industry operating data, Catering industry financial data, the number of enterprises in the lodging industry, Number of employees in the lodging industry(above designated size), Star hotel management data, Business data of Lodging Industry, Financial data of lodging Industry, Operating data of accommodation catering listed companies, etc.